Advancing World Mission Conference "24
Advancing World Missions Conference has been engaged in a yearly, global, inter-denominational conference called AWMC. The objective of AWMC is to catalyse the collaboration of the global church towards the discipling of the nations and the shaping of the world for Christ.
An integral part of Advancing World Missions Conference is the congress on World Evangelization, also known as AWMC “24.
The Advancing World Missions Conference on World Evangelization aims to be catalytic in advancing the Movement’s fourfold vision—the gospel for every person, disciple-making churches for every people and place, Christ-like leaders for every church and sector, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society.
The Congress will operate in two spaces—an in-person gathering in Nigeria as well as Virtual. The hybrid format of the gathering will help connect influencers from around the world and propel us towards a polycentric style of global collaboration.
The AWMC “24 Congress seeks to bring together around 5,000 globally representative in-person participants from every region of the world. Of these participants, we hope to have 25 percent younger or emerging leaders under 40 years old, 40 percent women, and 40 percent from secular workplaces (those who do not receive their primary income from a church or ministry organizations).
Information regarding AWMC “24 Physical/Virtual can be found here. Nominations for AWMC “24 is officially open.
An important aspect of the Congress is the prayerful, open, and rigorous participant nomination and multi-step selection process. This process exists to ensure that the right people gather together and appropriately reflect the rich diversity of the global church—across the regions of the world, across generations, and across spheres of influence.
Individuals must meet the selection criteria in order to be eligible to be nominated by Christian leaders and influencers.
The cost of participation in AWMC “24 includes only travel and accommodation costs.